Sunday, September 23, 2007

To The Winter

Called you on your private number 打電話去你的私人號碼

Left a message on your mobile phone 留下口信在你的電話

Even tried the operator 甚至連接線生也嘗試過

When I call, no one's home 當我打給你卻沒人接聽

Trying just so hard to reach you 已很努力嘗試接觸妳

Try to keep this thing alive 設法挽救這份情的壽命

You are the one that I need to speak to 妳是我想對話的人

Didn't you know there's a monster inside 難道你不知道有怪物在我心中

If you're gone I'll carry on then deep inside 如果妳離開 我會繼續但內心深處

I'll give my heart to the winter 我會把我的心交託給寒冬

If you leave I'll take this blade to carve your name 如果妳走了 我會用刀刃在我醜陋的一面

into my ugliness 刻上妳的名字

Summer's gone and there's no sun what have I done 夏天漸遠而那裡沒有陽光 我到底做了什麼

I lost my love to the winter 我失去了我的愛給冬天

Now my heart is cold and dark what have I done 我的心既寒冷又黑喑 我到底做錯了什麼

I've given our love away 我們的愛消失了

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